Google’sstock today in the 24 hours is down by 0.2 - 0.5%, as Google announces delay of it’s key mobile platform - Android. Google, in my humble opinion, overvalued the press release earlier this year on Android, and didn’t understand all the handset requirements and communications with operators involved in the process, and the whole project got delayed. The platform is to be launched in early 2009.
I am very impressed by the Google Android platform, and seeing it function two weeks ago on videos was fantastic, and I was extremelyimpressed. I believe Google can make a hole in the ground with this, that will leave a much more significant mark on the platform side then the iPhone, but after Nokiaannounced today, that it’s buying out Symbianand taking it open source (by the way Nokiastock raised by 0.9% today, getting to a record high in a couple of weeks). I am looking forward to both seeing Android on a realhandset, and as well as seeing Symbianopen source, as that can take it to a completelydifferent level.
How will taking Symbianopen source affect the market? Well as far as I know Symbianhas a heavy majority of the smartphonemarket, especially in Europe, where in many markets even 20 - 25% of handsets are Symbian(total handsets, not of smartphones). This is a big market, and Nokiarealises the potential of this group growing. Also seeing the new vision of the Nokiadevices controlledby hand, I see no real advantages in the iPhone.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Google delays Android, stock declines | Nokia to buy Symbian and put it opensource
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